A Heartwarming Day with Lazos: Running Towards Dreams

A Heartwarming Day with Lazos: Running Towards Dreams

Sep 25, 2024

Project Name:  Running towards their dreams 
Who are we helping: Lazos Running Solidario ( www.lazosrunning.org) 
Objective: Donate 35 running shoes to people with disabilities that train sport regularly with the Lazos Foundation.
Cost: 1200€  
Status: Completed  
Date: September 2024 

Last Sunday was one of those unforgettable days that leaves a lasting impression on your heart. The day began early at 8 AM, with a car packed with 35 pairs of running shoes, each one ready to make a meaningful impact. We were heading out on a special mission to deliver these shoes to some truly extraordinary people. 

You might be curious about why running shoes are so important in this story. Let me introduce you to the amazing individuals we had the privilege of meeting. Lazos is a remarkable organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities, many of whom are blind, that experience the joy and freedom of running. What makes this possible is an incredible group of volunteers, known as "guides," who dedicate three hours a week to being their eyes, allowing them to feel the thrill of running. 

These runners are doing more than just participating in a sport; they’re breaking down barriers and showing the world what true determination looks like. For many, Lazos has become a lifeline, offering a reason to wake up, a sense of belonging, and motivation to keep pushing forward. As one runner shared, “In Lazos, I found the motivation to keep on living. My days were so dark and negative before, but since I started coming here, everything has changed. It’s transformed my life.” 

When we arrived and began handing out the shoes, many of the runners were unaware of the surprise awaiting them. A significant number of them wouldn’t have had the chance to buy new shoes otherwise, often receiving only donated, worn-out ones. The moment was deeply emotional—one runner was moved to tears, expressing how Lazos had turned his life around. He had been struggling with depression, but joining this community brought him new friends and daily happiness. Lazos is truly a life-changing organization for these individuals. 

These shoes were more than just athletic gear; they symbolized support and a chance for these athletes to chase their dreams and believe in their own potential. The joy and gratitude we saw as we distributed the shoes were simply heartwarming. Each pair of shoes represented a new opportunity and a step toward personal victories, reminding us all of the power of a simple act of kindness. 

Seeing the runners’ faces light up with joy was a beautiful reminder of why we support Lazos. It’s about more than just giving—it’s about being part of a community that believes in each other and in the power of dreams. 

Let’s not forget the incredible guides who play such a vital role in this organization. Their dedication and selflessness make a huge difference. They give their time to support these runners, and their impact is immeasurable. Many guides expressed their deep gratitude and shared that they receive more from the experience than they give, finding their own lives enriched by being part of this wonderful community. 

If you’re inspired by the amazing work Lazos is doing and want to learn more or get involved, please visit www.lazosrunning.org or follow them on Instagram @lazosrunningsolidario. Every contribution, big or small, helps make these athletes’ dreams come true. 

I want to thank you, yes you! For sharing this special day with us. Just by reading this and being part of the Sweets & Smiles and Vernasche die Welt community, you are already a change. Together, we can make a difference, one snack at a time. Let’s continue spreading love and smiles, working towards a better world for all of us. 

Stay tuned to the blog as many more projects are coming.  

Thank you for reading,  
